God Knows What You Need…

I just read this article about a bartender receiving a big tip from a regular customer – read the whole story here – and it got me thinking.

God knows what we need, may it be big or small, and He will make a way for us to get it.

Isaiah 43:19 (AMP)

19 Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

God knows what we need even before we need it. I think He is up in heaven listening to all of our prayers and He is actively making a list of what we need. Since our prayers are often jumbled and at times mixed up, he lists down all that we ask of him and he writes them down in the order that we need them the most.

Big or small, He remembers all. Big or small, He will make sure that we will receive them.

Actually, it’s not just the needs that He brings to pass… Even the wants…

I remember late last May, I was craving for avocados. Its been years since I craved for avocados and sadly during this time budget was starting to go tight. I wanted to go out and buy some but I was saving for other expenses.

I actually forgot about my craving since I couldn’t afford them… Then lo and behold, about 3 days or so, my neighbor knocked on my gate  and handed me two of the most beautiful avocados that I have seen. Not too ripe, not too “young”… they were perfect.

I was amazed… God was listening when I said I wanted to eat avocados. He knew that I did not have anyone whom I could ask for the avocados, so He made a way for me to have them and for FREE… God is really amazing.

Through this experience, I understood God’s love more and how much He listens to prayers, may they be big or small…

The past few days, I have been reflecting about the goodness of God and all the impossibilities in my life. I stand before a mountain… a mountain of debt, a mountain of problems, a mountain of challenges, a mountain of people who are against me…

But as I now see it… they are all just mole hills… In God, nothing is impossible. There is no mountain that God cannot topple… He created them all. They all bow to His power.

I take refuge in the fact that God loves me and He takes great pleasure to answer my prayers.

Luke 12:32 (AMP)

32 Do not be seized with alarm and struck with fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom!

Such a powerful promise that is written in the bible… something that each and every one of us can hold on to.

I like knowing that God is concerned about me. May it be my want or need, He knows. I take comfort in the fact that God’s promises are for me and I WILL SEE THEM COME TO PASS if and only if I stay in faith and do His bidding.

God knows and God listens… and He will always deliver…

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